Saturday, September 01, 2007

Blog Improvements

I have been trying to improve some things on this blog. With the help of Phatcatholic, I was able to figure out how to make the definition of words come up by double clicking the word. So if you don’t understand a word just double click it and a definition will come up. It’s actually a rather cool feature.

The side bar will have some changes. I am going to consolidate some things and expand others. I will have a lot of posts this weekend. I will be taking some of the links off the side and making them into posts so they will be part of the tags.

I went back and categorized all the post on this blog. So if you are interested in one aspect of this blog you will be able to search those type of posts. The category are on the bottom of each post and the list of categories will be on the side bar.

I am also going to try to do some things to try to increase the traffic here. I’m learning all of this through trial and error so bear with me.

If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to post them here in the comments. I am open to ideas on how to improve this blog.

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